Home » “Never Frass Uphill”: A Day in the Life of Marty the Monarch Caterpillar
English Entomology Fairy Tales Milkweeds (Asclepias) Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

“Never Frass Uphill”: A Day in the Life of Marty the Monarch Caterpillar

Hi, fellow crawlers and flutterers! I’m Marty, a Monarch caterpillar, living my best larval life on this milkweed plant. Today, I want to share some wisdom that’s been passed down from generation to generation in my family: “Never Frass Uphill.” For those of you not in the know, frass is our polite way of saying caterpillar poop. Trust me, this advice is golden—or should I say, greenish-brown?

Jimmy hasn’t quite gotten the hang of “Never Frass Uphill”. Good try though, Jimmy!

The Milkweed Mansion

Life is pretty simple when you’re a Monarch caterpillar. Eat, crawl, poop, repeat. My days are spent munching on delicious milkweed leaves. They’re not just tasty; they’re also our ticket to a safer future. Eating milkweed makes us less appetizing to predators. I guess you could say we’re naturally uninviting!

The Uphill Battle

Now, let’s talk topography. Our milkweed plant isn’t flat; it has all sorts of nooks, crannies, and inclines. And when you’re munching away, it’s easy to forget which way is up—or downhill. That’s where the age-old wisdom of “Never Frass Uphill” comes in handy.

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