we SUPPLY Seeds for butterfly larval host plants ACROSS florida and throughought north america.
Larval Host Plant Seeds
All butterflies require a specific plant or family of plants for their eggs and caterpillars.
Nectar Plant Seeds
Adult butterflies and other pollinators require the quick fuel of flower nectar. Now that’s Flower Power.
Shelter Plant Seeds
Butterfly caterpillars need to build their chrysalis in strong shrubs, bushes, and trees with woody stems, called Shelter Plants.
Why johnny butterflyseed?
Larval Host Seeds
Butterflies rely on their Larval Host Plants. A 'Butterflyseed' is a larval host seed. If you grow a butterfly's larval host, you will grow those butterflies.
20 Years of Experience
Neary two decades of experience studying butterflies within the ecology of Florida's xeric uplands; from Passionvine to Prickly Pear.
With a heavy emphasis on endangered species, such as the Monarch Butterfly, we focus on education about North American butterflies and their larval host plants.
johnny's blog
Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias verticillata)
Whorled Milkweed is one of the many varieties of milkweed that are critical to the survival of the Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus).
Johnny ButterflySearch!!
Introducing Johnny ButterflySearch at https://search.johnnybutterflyseed.com – a specialized Butterfly Search Engine curated by Johnny Butterflyseed. Designed with butterfly enthusiasts in mind, this tool provides high-quality, curated search results focused exclusively…
Official Press Release: Johnny Butterflyseed Joins the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Johnny Butterflyseed Becomes a Proud Member of the International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council (IWRC) with Aspirations to Become a Certified Wildlife Rehabilitator Central Florida – 08-14-2014 – Johnny…
Introducing “Pollinator Density”
A New Measure for Understanding Plant-Pollinator Relationships By Johnny Butterflyseed Pollinators are the unsung heroes of our ecosystems, playing a critical role in the reproduction of countless plant species. From…
Florida Brazilian Peppertree Eradication Program
Johnny Butterflyseed’s Comprehensive Plan to Restore Florida’s Ecosystems The Brazilian Peppertree (Schinus terebinthifolia) is one of the most invasive species threatening Florida’s ecosystems. Its aggressive growth displaces native plants, disrupts…
Butterfly Needle (Bidens Alba): A Perfect Plant for Your Butterfly Garden
Have you ever noticed those pretty white flowers that seem to be everywhere in Florida? They’re called Butterfly Needle, or Bidens alba, but they’re also known by other names like…
Bidens Alba: The “Butterfly Needle” of Florida
Bidens Alba, commonly known by several names including Beggarticks, Romerillo, Spanish Needle, and endearingly referred to as “Butterfly Needle,” is a fascinating and widely recognized plant within Florida’s diverse flora.…
Red-Bellied Woodpecker
It’s said that you like orange juice.Perhaps you knowthat I squeeze several oranges each day.Perhaps that’s why you hovernear my door.You’re noisy like the blue jay,and not as pretty,but I…