Orange and black bugs on your Milkweed are likely to be the Milkweed Bug (Oncopeltus fasciatus). These friendly bugs are associated with Milkweed Plants and are often found feeding on the seeds, stems, and leaves.
Here’s a bit more about them:
Milkweed Bugs are easily recognizable by their striking orange or red coloration with black markings. They have a conspicuous black band across their wings and black antennae.
50 Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) Seeds for North America
Create a sanctuary that celebrates. Bring the beauty of Swamp Milkweed to your garden with Johnny Butterflyseed’s Premium Swamp Milkweed Seeds.
They primarily feed on Milkweed, utilizing their specialized mouthparts to pierce the plant and consume its sap. They have a particular interest in the seeds, as they contain high amounts of nutrients.
Role in the Ecosystem
Milkweed Bugs play a role in controlling milkweed plant populations by feeding on the seeds, which can limit the spread of the plants. Their bright coloration is also a warning to predators that they might not taste good, a trait they acquire from the toxic compounds found in milkweed.
125 Butterfly Milkweed Seeds (Asclepias Tuberosa) for North America 2024
More than 600mg of Butterfly Milkweed Seeds (Asclepias tuberosa). Origin Kentucky.
Impact on Monarch Butterflies
Since both Monarch caterpillars and Milkweed Bugs rely on milkweed, they share the same habitat. However, Milkweed Bugs generally don’t harm Monarch butterflies or their larvae, as they have different feeding habits.
20 Florida-Native Aquatic Milkweed Seeds (Asclepias perennis) for U.S. Southeast
Aquatic Milkweed (Asclepias perennis) is a native perennial that thrives in wet environments. With its beautiful white blossoms and attractive green foliage, it’s an eye-catching addition to any aquatic setting. Florida Native. 20 seeds.
Milkweed Bugs are an interesting and common sight on milkweed plants. Their vibrant colors and specialized diet make them unique insects that contribute to the ecological balance within their habitat. If you are cultivating milkweed to support Monarch butterflies, the presence of Milkweed Bugs is normal and should not be a cause for concern.
The Adventures of Johnny Butterflyseed – Author Signed First Edition Children’s Book
Save the monarchs!
Johnny Butterflyseed and his fairy friend, Raven Silverwing, embark on a mission to save the rapidly disappearing butterflies. They enlist the help of Queen Venus Goldwing and her kingdom of monarchs to educate and inspire kids to become butterfly farmers. At first, Johnny faces his own internal struggle with self-doubt and fear in his ability to make a difference, but then soon develops a mindset that allows him to not only get started, but also make progress one day at a time. Through challenge after challenge, Johnny learns that he is not alone in his mission and that there are many people who want to help. Together, Johnny, Raven, and Queen Venus educate thousands of children on becoming butterfly farmers.