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Butterfly Farming Entomology Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

How Long Does a Monarch Butterfly Live?

The lifespan of a Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) varies depending on the generation and time of year.

Non-Migratory Generations

Monarch butterflies typically go through several generations each year. The adults in these earlier generations usually live from 2 to 6 weeks.

Migratory Generation

The generation of Monarchs that migrates for the winter has a much longer lifespan, often living up to 8 or 9 months. These butterflies will travel thousands of miles to overwintering sites, spend the winter months there, and then begin the journey back, mating and laying eggs along the way. This longer lifespan allows them to complete this incredible journey.

So, depending on the generation and specific role within the species’ lifecycle, a Monarch butterfly’s lifespan can range from just a few weeks to several months. Most importantly, Monarch Butterflies require Milkweed for their entire lives. If you don’t see Milkweed Plants, you won’t see Monarch Butterflies. If you haven’t planted any Milkweed, please don’t be surprised when the Monarch population dwindles.

Please consider our Monthly Milkweed Seed Subscription Kit. With multiple, fresh Milkweed seeds, combined with other good nectar and shelter plant seeds, arriving directly to your door, you can simply scatter seeds, and walk away, having done the bare minimum to help the Monarch Butterfly.

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