Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) Botany Butterfly Farming Fairy Tales Gardening Horticulture Nectar Plants

Black-Eyed Susan: A Queen Among Flowers

Born in the radiant sun, the Black-Eyed Susan thrives under its warm touch. Her flowers open wide to capture the sunlight, and this solar affinity translates into high-energy, nourishing nectar – the perfect fuel for the fluttering butterflies. With her blooms lasting from early summer until the first frost of fall, she provides a long, reliable feast for her fairy-winged friends.

Black-Eyed Susan, scientifically known as Rudbeckia hirta.

Her petals, vibrant and flat, provide the perfect landing platform for butterflies. These miniature helipads guide the butterflies down to the rich black center, a nectar-filled haven. Butterflies of all sizes can easily balance on her sturdy petals, savoring the sweetness of the nectar at their leisure.

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