Butterfly Farming Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) Larval Host Plants

Where is Common Milkweed Native?

4. Central Region: It occurs in parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas.5. Great Plains Region: Common milkweed is present in parts of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado.

6. Western Region: It can be found in certain areas of New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah.

7. Pacific Northwest: Common milkweed occurs in parts of Oregon and Washington.

Please note that this list provides a general idea of where common milkweed is found, but its presence and abundance can vary within specific regions due to local conditions. If you are interested in finding common milkweed in a specific area, it’s recommended to consult regional plant distribution resources or reach out to local botanical or environmental organizations for more precise information. Best, of course, is to get outside and identify your local Milkweed species.

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