25 Florida-Native Maypop Purple Passionvine Seeds (Passiflora Incarnata)


Maypop Purple Passionvine Passiflora Incarnata seeds. Florida Native. 25+ seeds.

15 in stock (can be backordered)


Package Inclusions:
– More than 25 high-quality Passiflora Incarnata seeds.
– Complimentary US domestic shipping.

Key Features

Larval Host Plant: Ideal for the Gulf Fritillary and Zebra Longwing butterflies.
Growth Habit: A perennial vine, it stretches from 10 to 30 feet, often cascading over fences and trellises.
Distinct Leaves: Each leaf showcases three deeply-divided lobes, resembling a hand, spanning 3 to 6 inches.
Vibrant Flowers: Large, showy, and approximately 2 to 3 inches in diameter. Their unique structure boasts a purple corolla, occasionally displaying white or pink shades, circled by a notable corona of filaments.
Edible Fruits: Known as “maypops”, these round to ovoid fruits measure 1.5 to 2.5 inches across. Inside, they house gelatinous, orange-hued seeds within a robust rind.

Habitat: Native to the southeastern US, it thrives in open fields, disturbed areas, roadsides, and woodlands. The plant flourishes wherever the Gulf Fritillary is spotted.

Uniqueness: Distinguishable from other species by its purple flowers, signature lobed leaves, and the prominent corona of filaments.

Source: Seeds ethically sourced adhering to the Center for Plant Conservation’s guidelines, from private conservation lands in Polk and Highlands counties on The Lake Wales Ridge.


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