Johnny Butterflyseed’s Micropackets: A Greener Way to Garden

Good things come in small packages, and Johnny Butterflyseed is proving just that by transitioning to smaller seed packets for 2024. We’ve resized our packets from the standard seed packet size of 4.5″ x 3.25″ weighing 4 grams with labels, to a more compact #1 coin envelope, we are calling

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The Milkweeds of Texas: Nature’s Butterfly Cafe

Milkweeds are not just another pretty plant; they’re the cornerstone of a complex ecological web. Serving as the primary host plants for the famed Monarch butterfly, these hardy perennials play a crucial role in ecosystems across the United States, including the diverse landscapes of Texas.

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Differences Between Echinacea and Rudbeckia

The genera Echinacea and Rudbeckia are closely related, both belonging to the Asteraceae family, but they exhibit some key genetic and morphological differences that warrant their classification into separate genera.

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