

we SUPPLY Seeds for butterfly larval host plants ACROSS florida and throughought north america.


Larval Host Plant Seeds

All butterflies require a specific plant or family of plants for their eggs and caterpillars.

Nectar Plant Seeds

Adult butterflies and other pollinators require the quick fuel of flower nectar. Now that’s Flower Power.

Shelter Plant Seeds

Butterfly caterpillars need to build their chrysalis in strong shrubs, bushes, and trees with woody stems, called Shelter Plants.

Why johnny butterflyseed?

Larval Host Seeds

Butterflies rely on their Larval Host Plants. A 'Butterflyseed' is a larval host seed. If you grow a butterfly's larval host, you will grow those butterflies.

20 Years of Experience

Neary two decades of experience studying butterflies within the ecology of Florida's xeric uplands; from Passionvine to Prickly Pear.


With a heavy emphasis on endangered species, such as the Monarch Butterfly, we focus on education about North American butterflies and their larval host plants.

johnny's blog

What is Ilex Vomitoria?

Out of respect for Native America, and to better reflect the plant and its history, Johnny Butterflyseed renames Yaupon Holly (Ilex Vomitoria) to Black Drink Holly (Ilex nigrumpotum).

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Top 10 Butterflies of Florida

There are over 200 species of butterflies that can be found in Florida. Here are the ten most common ones: 1. Zebra Longwing Butterfly (Heliconius charithonia) 2. Gulf Fritillary Butterfly…

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Do Butterflies Migrate?

Many species of butterflies migrate, but the number of species that migrate varies depending on the region and habitat. In general, migration is more common in species that live in…

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Our Address

2000 Cheney Highway Suite 260 Titusville, FL 32780-6028